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《TKD Times》訪問崔泓熙將軍--跆拳道歷史課

譯/ 紮西旺旭2012-11-5 17:56 正式翻譯完

《TKD Times》2000年第1期刊載的“崔泓熙將軍--一節跆拳道歷史課”,韓武道(Han Mu Do)創始人He-Young Kimm在1998年和1999年對崔泓熙將軍採訪的記錄。

General Choi talks about his fascinating life -- at one point he was three days from execution -- and the creation and development of Taekwon-Do. Now an octogenarian, he remains a vibrant force in the martial art community of the twentieth century and a shining example for all those taking his Art into the new millennium.
崔將軍講述了他傳奇的人生以及跆拳道的創立和發展。 作為一位年逾八旬的老人,他仍然保持著旺盛的活力,活躍於20世紀的武道界,對於所有繼承他的藝術進入新世紀的人們來說,他是一個光輝的形象。

Japan, during the Meji Restoration, was the first of the three countries to embrace Western culture and science. The Emperor, having regained control over the government, encouraged his subjects to learn more about the West. As a result, Japan, with the use of Western weaponry was able to defeat China in 1894 and occupy and annex Korea in 1910. The Korean people fought bitterly for thirty-five years for indepence that was not won until the end of World War II. To this day, many Koreans still feel hatred towards the Japanese. My interview with General Choi was conducted on August 1, 1998, and from February 27 to March 1, 1999. The interviews are a part of my continuing research into the history of Korean martial arts.
日本,在明治維新期間,是東亞三國中第一個擁抱接受西方文化和科技的國家。天皇,重新獲得了控制國家的權力,這也鼓勵他執行更多的學習西方的計畫。作為結果,日本利用學到的西方先進武器可以在1894年打敗中國並在1910年佔領併吞並韓國。韓國人民為了自由與獨立艱苦地奮戰了35年,但是直到第二次世界大戰結束才取得勝利。因為這段歷史,很多韓國人一直都對日本人懷有仇恨。我對崔將軍的採訪分別是在1998年8月1日、 1999年2月27至3月1日期間陸續進行的。這次採訪是作為我對韓國武術歷史進行研究的一部分進行的。

Dr. Kimm: General Choi, thank you for granting my request for an interview. One of the interesting facts that I have heard about you is that you have two names and two birthdays. Is this true?
Dr. Kimm:崔將軍,謝謝您同意接受我的採訪。有一個有趣的事實是,我聽說您分別有兩個名字和生日,這是真的嗎?

General Choi: Yes, they are both true. I was born in Korea on November 9, 1918. At the time, the Korean calendar was based on the moon's cycle, each month having 27 or 28 days. In the 1960's, Korea switched to the Western calendar; one based on the sun's cycle, with each month having 30 to 31 days. According to the Western calendar, my birthday is on December 22. So, though I have two birthdays, November 9, 1918, is the one I have chosen to celebrate.
As for my names, the first is Choi, Hong Hi, given to me by my father at the time of my birth in 1918. My other name is Taekwon-Do, given to me by God in 1955.
General Choi:是的,這兩個名字和生日都是真的。我是1918年11月9日出生於韓國的。在那個時候,         韓國的日曆採用月亮的週期曆法(農曆),每個月有27天或 28天。從1960 開始,韓國開始使用西方的曆法,這個曆法根據太陽的週期推算,每個月有30天或者31天。根據西方的曆法,我的生日是12月22 號。所以我有兩個生日,1918年11月9號的那個,我作為生日來慶祝。至於我的名字,第一個是崔泓熙,是我父親1918年在我出生時給我起的。我的另一個名字是跆拳道,這個名字是1955年上帝賜予我的。

How did you begin your martial arts training?
Dr. Kimm:您是怎樣開始您的習武之路的?

General Choi: My training was sparked by a famous incident during the Japanese occupation of Korea. In 1930, a group of Japanese students taunted and harassed a group of Korean female students on a train bound for Kwang Ju City. Upon it's arrival in Kwang Ju, angry and outraged Korean students surrounded the Japanese students and beat them severly.
Later, the Japanese police came and ruthlessly crushed the Korean student defenders. Word of this incident spread rapidly through Korea. To protest the outrageous acts of the Japanese students and police, students staged strikes and walkouts in schools troughout our country. In the school I attended, I was one of the leaders of the protest movement, and planned and directed a student walkout at my school. For this, I was expelled from the Japanese school system. My father, strongly anti-Japanese but also concerned about my future, urged me to study Chinese characters and the art of Calligraphy. He felt that one day I could get a job making tombstones using these skills. So, I went to study with Master Han, Il Dong, a renowned calligrapher. I also learned Taek Kyun, my first martial art, from him.
General Choi:我的習武之路是因在日本佔領韓國期間的一起有名的突發事件而開始的。1930年,一群日本學生在開往光州城的火車上挑釁欺辱一群韓國女學生。在那列火車到達光州時,一群憤怒激動的韓國學生將那幫日本學生圍起來,狠狠揍了一頓。過了一會,日本員警趕到,殘酷無情地鎮壓了韓國學生群體。這個事件的消息迅速傳遍了全國。為了抗議日本學生和員警的粗暴欺壓行為,全國的學生們進行罷課遊行示威活動。在我上的學校裏,我是抗議示威行動的學生領袖之一,並在學校計畫和組織了一場罷課。因為這個原因,我被開除出日本殖民者建立的教育系統。我的父親,是個很強硬的反日派但同時也擔心我的未來,所以安排我去學習漢文和書法藝術。他感覺未來有一天我可能可以用這些技術幫別人撰寫墓碑來謀生。所以,我去跟著漢學大師韓溢東先生學習,他也是一位有名的書法家。同時我也跟著他學習了跆跟,這是我學習的第一種武術。

What was your motivation for going to Japan? And why did you start your Karate training?
Dr. Kimm:是什麼動機讓您後來前去日本學習?還有後來您為什麼選擇學了空手道?

General Choi: I studied Calligraphy and Chinese characters for seven years. My father became satisfied with the level of skill and proficiency I had achieved. It was during this time that I became interested in learning more about Western culture, sciences and laws. Some of my friends were studying about the West in Japan. During their vacations home, they told me of their studies and encouraged me to join them in Japan. So that's how I decided to go to Japan. A few days before I was to depart for Japan, I lost all of my money in a card game. This was the money I was to use to live and travel in Japan. I begged Mr. Hur to return some of the money I lost to him. He refused, telling me that the purpose of playing cards was to make money, not give it away. As he stood to leave, I picked up an ink bottle that was nearby and flung it at him. The bottle struck him in the forehead and knocked him unconscious. As the ink and blood flowed down his face, I took the money from his pocket and ran home. A couple of days later I arrive in Kyoto, Japan.
I knew that I would never be able to go back to my hometown without learning some form of self-defense. I first thought about learning how to box but my friend, Kim, Hyun Soo, convinced me to watch a Karate class with him at Dong Dai Sa University. A few days afterwards I began to practice Karate.
 General Choi:我學了書法和中文有七年。我父親對我所學到的技術和水準很滿意。就在這個時候我變的更感興趣於學習更多西方的文化、科技和法律。有些我的朋友在日本學習西方文化。在他們假期回家的時候,他們和我談論有關他們在日本的學習,並且也鼓勵我加入他們一起到日本學習。這就是我為什麼決定去日本的原因。在我出發去日本的幾天前,我在一場牌戲中輸光了所有的錢。這些錢本來是用於我去日本留學的路費和生活費。我懇求許先生還回部分我輸給他的錢。他拒絕了,並說牌戲的目的就是贏錢,而不是贏了後退還回去。就在他站起來準備離開的時候,我拿起旁邊的一個墨水瓶猛砸向他。那個瓶子砸到了他的前額,並把他砸暈了過去。就在墨和血混流在他臉上的時候,我從他的包裡取出自己的錢跑回家裡。幾天后我就到了日本東京。我知道我將沒有可能回故鄉除非我學會一些自衛技能。一開始我想學習拳擊,但是我的朋友金賢殊勸說我和他一起去看Dong Dai Sa 大學的一個空手道館。幾天後,我開始了練習空手道。

Later, you moved to Tokyo from Kyoto. Why did you move and how was life in Tokyo?

General Choi: My original plan was to enter high school in Kyoto. For a year and a half, I ceaselessly studied English and mathematics and practiced Karate. But I failed the examination to enter the fourth grade of high school. So, I moved to Tokyo because I thought that I would have a better chance to enroll in school there. A good friend from my hometown, Lee, Jong Ryun, lived in Tokyo and helped me settle there. Again, I studied English and mathematics and Karate.
Finally, I passed the entrance examination and enrolled into the fourth grade of the Dong A Business High School. This allowed me to eventually enthe the Law School of Choong Ang University. At the university, I practiced Karate under supervision of Master Guchin Funagoshi, the founder of Shotokan. Under Master Funagoshi, I practiced at the Shotokan (Dojo) regularly and participated in special "night walking" training from Tokyo to Kamakura City. After I was promoted to second degree black belt in Karate, my friend Yoon, Byung In and I began teaching Karate on the roof of the Tokyo YMCA building. In later years, after the liberation of Korea in 1945, Master Yoon went back to Korea and created the Kwon Bub Club at the Seoul YMCA.
General Choi: 我最初的計畫是進入京都的中學校。在一年半的時間裡,我刻苦地學習英語、數學並練習空手道。但是我在中學四年級的入學考試中失敗了。所以,我搬到了東京,因為我認為在那裡能有更好的機會進中學讀書。一個來自我故鄉的好朋友Lee Jong Ryun 住在東京,他幫我在那裏安頓下來。接著,我繼續英語、數學和空手道的學習。最終,我通過了入學考試進入了東亞商業中學的四年級,這一步最終讓我進入了中央大學的法學院。在大學裡,我在松濤館的創始人船越義珍大師的指導下學習空手道。在船越老師的指導下,我經常在松濤館道場練習,還參加從東京到鐮倉的特殊的“夜行”訓練。在我被授予空手道黑帶二段的段位後,我和朋友尹炳仁開始在東京基督教青年會的樓頂教授空手道。過了幾年,1945年韓國解放後,尹師範回到韓國在首爾的基督教青年會創立拳法道館。

How did you end up in the Japanese Army? And what happened for you to be charged with treason and put in prison?
Dr. Kimm:您是怎樣從日本軍隊裏出來的?到底發生了什麼事使你被判為叛國罪並關押到監獄中?

General Choi: By the end of 1942, I, among others, believed that Japan was going to lose the war, so it would have been very foolish to join the Japanese Army. But, by this time, most Korean students in Japan were prevented from going to school and forced into the Army. Many of us went into hiding, moving from inn to inn, in order to escape being drafted. The police finally caught up with me and forced me to join the Japanese Army on October 20, 1943.
I was sent back to Seoul to join other drafted Korean students for basic training at Seoul National University. we were then sent to the 42nd Unit of the Pyung Yang Division. There was much resistance among the ranks. Soon after our arival, I was part of a group of 30 Korean student-soldiers thad decided to try to escape to the Baek Doo Mountains located on the Manchurian-Koran Border. There we would join the Underground Korean Liberation Army and fight against the Japanese occupiers. Our plan to escape failed. We were all arrested and tried for treason. Initially, I received a seven year prison term. But later, the sentence was changed and I was to be executed on August 18, 1945. Just three days before my execution, my country was liberated from the Japanese occupation forces. On August 15, 1945, I walked out of Pyung Yang Prison.
General Choi:在1942年末的時候,我還有其他人都相信日本將要輸掉這場戰爭,所以參加日本軍隊是很愚蠢的。但是,在這個時候,大部分在日本讀書的韓國學生都被強迫加入軍隊。很多學生都躲了起來,從一間旅館到另一間旅館,避免自己被挑選入軍隊。員警最終抓住了我,並強迫我於1943年10月20日加入日本軍隊。我和其他韓國學生一起被送回首爾,在首爾人民大學接受了基本的軍事訓練。然後我們被派遣到平壤軍區的42號軍團。那個軍團中有很多反抗。一到達那裏,我和一些韓國學生軍共30 人一起決定試著逃往位於滿洲和韓國交界處的白頭山。逃到那裏後我們打算加入朝鮮解放遊擊隊去對抗日本軍隊的佔領。但是我們的出逃計畫失敗了,我們所有人都被逮捕,並判以叛國罪。一開始我被判以7年的監禁。但是後來,判決改了我被判為於 1945年8月18日處決。就在我還剩3天就將被處以死刑時,我的國家從日本的佔領下得到解放。1945年8月15日,我從平壤監獄中走出。

After Korea was liberated, you served as leader of the Students' Volunteer Group. And later you enrolled in the Military English School. Could you tell us more about your activities during this time?
Dr. Kimm:在韓國解放後,您成為了朝鮮學生志願軍的領袖。接著您進入了軍事英語學校。您能告訴我們在這段時期您的主要活動嗎?

General Choi: As my fellow student-soldiers and I left prison, we heard an appeal to us from the Kun Joon or Preparation Committee for self-government in Seoul. Broadcast over the radio was an invitation from Mr. Yu, woon Young, the leader of the Committee, to come to Seoul and join in the effort. Under his leadership, we formed the Students' Volunteer Group to maintain law and order because the Korean police force had not yet been created.
Later, Mr. Yu was assassinated. The Students' Volunteer Group split into two groups, one that advocated communism and the group that I led which advocated the ideals of democracy. In this role, I had the chance to meet with a U.S. Army Major Reas, the Superintendent of the Military English School. The Military English School would later become the Korean Military Academy. It was through this meeting that I became one of the 110 founding fathers of the Korean Army.
General Choi:在我和學生軍們一起離開監獄後,聽到一個吸引我們的消息,Kun Joon將要在首爾組織一個自治委員會。Yu woon Young先生自治委員會的領導,通過廣播邀請人們前往首爾加入組建自治政府的努力。在他的領導下,我們組建了學生志願軍去維持法律和秩序,因為那個時候韓國員警部隊還沒有創立起來。不久,Yu先生被暗殺了。學生志願軍也分裂成了兩個部分,一部分傾向於共產主義,另一部分由我領導的傾向於民主主義。在這種角色下,我得到了會見一位美國陸軍主要領導,也是軍事英語學校主管的機會。軍事英語學校在不久之後成為了韓國軍事學院。 通過這次會見,我成為了110位韓國軍隊創建人之一。

After you were commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Korean Army, you were assigned to the Fourth Regiment in Kwang Ju City. Please tell us of your responsibilities and your experiences in Kwang Ju.
Dr. Kimm:在您被任命為韓國陸軍第二中尉,您被派往在光州市的第四軍團。請告訴我們您當時的職責和在光州的經歷。

General Choi: When I arrived at the Fourth Regimental Headquarters in Kwang Ju, I found that the local police forces were very well organized. They had already assembled a larger force and acquired more power and authority than we in the Army. Frequently, police officers arrested military personnel on minor charges and then beat them for punishment. This was intolerable and as a result, I ordered that no personnel could travel outside of the military compound alone. Furthermore, I included the practice of Tang Soo (Karate) as part of the military training regimen. But my conscience felt shame over the decision to teach Karate. As a man, I despised the Japanese, so how could I teach Karate to my Korean soldiers? This is when I began my research in martial arts. I wanted to create a new Korean martial art that was based on scientific movement and contained a mentality to fit Korean soldiers. I researched and practiced and refined this new art for nine years. In 1955, I created the Korean martial art of Taekwon-Do.
General Choi:當我到達第四軍團總部的時候,發現當地的員警部隊組織的很好。他們已經建立了很強的武裝,並且比我們軍隊要求更多的權力和權威。經常性的,員警們因為一些很小的原因逮捕軍隊人員,並暴力懲罰他們。這是讓人無法忍受的,作為應對辦法,我命令軍隊成員在軍營外不能單獨行動。接下來,我將唐手(空手道)訓練作為軍隊的一項製度。

The Korean War broke out June 25, 1950, and continued for three years. What was your main duty during the war?
Dr. Kimm:朝鮮戰爭爆發於1950年6月25日,並持續了三年。您   在這場戰爭中的主要職責是什麼?

General Choi: In June of 1949, I was ordered to attend the Advanced Military Training School in the United States. At the time I received my orders, I was on my honeymoon and I really did not want to leave my new bride. But I am a soldier and I obey orders. Under the leadership of Colonel Choi, Duk Shin, four of us boarded a ship bound for the United States. One day during our voyage, as I practiced kicking on the deck of the ship, the shoe on my kicking leg flew off my foot into the air and landed in the Pacific. Well, I could not wear just one shoe, so I took off the other one and flung it into the ocean as well. And then I returned to my room. Upon our arrival in the United States, we first went to the Ground General School at Fort Riley, Kansas, and later attended the Advanced Command School at Fort Benning, Georgia.
During respites from our military training, I had the opportunity to demonstrate Tang Soo techniques for my fellow classmates. We graduated on June 23, 1950, two days before war broke out in my country. We rushed to get back to Korea. Upon my arrival, I was ordered to establish the Officer Training School. While serving as the Vice Superintendent of the School, I was visited by Master Lee, Won Kuk, the founder of Chung Do Kwan. He told me that he had to leave for Japan for "personal reasons" and asked me to take over as head of Chung Do Kwan. I accepted his request, but since I was a General in the Army, I became the honorary head and appointed Master Son, Duk Son as head of Chung Do Kwan. When our troops crossed the 38th parallel, I was assigned to the First Corp. One of my first tasks was to give a briefing to General Douglas MacArthur, the Supreme Commander of the United Nations Troops. He was visiting the front line and I was selected to update him on the battle situation. Many generals from U.N. forces came with him. After the thirty minute briefing, I asked him if he had any questions. To which he replied, "No questions; very clear." And then he approached me and while shaking my hand, asked my name.
General Choi:1949年6月,我被要求參加在美國的高級軍事訓練。接到這項命令時,我正在度密月,我真的不想離開新婚妻子。但是我是一名軍人必須服從命令。在陸軍上校崔德新的領導下,加上我共四人搭乘了前往美國的輪船。在海上航行中的一天,我正在甲板上練習腿法,正在踢的腿上的鞋被我踢飛到空中落在太平洋裏。當然,我不可能只穿著一支鞋子,所以我就將剩下的那一隻也扔進了海裏。然後返回我的客艙。在我們到達美國後,我們首先去了在肯薩斯州賴利堡的普通軍官學校( Ground General School ),然後進入了喬治亞州本寧堡的高級軍官學校( Advanced Command School )。在我們接受軍事訓練的間歇期間,我有機會向同學們演示唐手技術。1950年6 月23日在韓戰爆發前的兩天我們畢業了。我們匆忙地趕回韓國。到達之後,我被命令建立了軍官訓練學校。就在我作為軍官訓練學校的校長工作時,李元國師範青濤館的創立人拜訪了我。他告訴我因為一些“個人原因”要離開韓國去日本,並請我代為青濤館館長。我接受了他的請求,因為我同時是軍隊的將軍,所以只做了青濤館的榮譽館長,並任命孫德成師範為青濤館代館長。當我們的軍隊越過北緯38度線時,我被任命到第一軍團。我的其中一個任務是給道格拉斯麥克亞瑟將軍做戰爭簡報,他當時是美國軍隊最高指揮官。他視察前線時我被選為給他及時匯報戰況。很多美軍指揮官跟在他旁邊。在30分鐘的匯報結束後,我問他是否還有什麼問題需要瞭解。他回答說:“沒問題,很清楚。”然後他走過來,跟我握手,並問我的名字。

You created the 29th Infantry Division, also known as the "Fist Division." Could you talk about how you formed this division and created its unique insignia?
Dr. Kimm:您建立了第29步兵師,也被稱作“拳頭師”。您能談一下是怎樣建立這個師以及它獨特的榮譽?

General Choi: In September of 1953, General Baek, Sun Yub, the Chief of Staff of the Korean Army, asked me to create the 28th Division. I Asked him, "Will this be the last division created during the war?" He said, "No, there will be one more division created in a few months." So, I asked him if I could create the last division, the 29th Infantry Division, and he granted my request.
The first thing I set out to do was to create a distinctive division flag. From the number 29, the two symbolized the divided Korean peninsula. The number nine I saw as my fist. I created the division flag with my fist over the Korean peninsula. After seeing the flag, people gave the 29th the nickname, "The Fist Division" or "Ik Keu Division." My second task was to choose the division's military command staff. To assist me in training the troops in military drills, I enlisted the aid of Colonel Ha, Chung Kab and Lt. Colonel Kim, Hwang Mok. I also recruited Master Nam, Tae Hee and Master Han, Cha Kyo to help me train the soldiers in Tang Soo. By this time, although I still called the martial art, Tang Soo, the characteristics and quality of techniques were now far different from the Karate that I had practiced in Japan. To my officers and Tang Soo instructors, I gave very specific orders. "When the soldiers train Tang Soo, everyone has to bow to the instructors, regardless of military rank. Outside of the gym, salutations go according to military rank." The combination of military drills and Tang Soo practice made our division unique among the others in the Korean Army. we were ready to fight with or without weapons.
General Choi:1953年9月,Baek Sun Yub 將軍,韓國軍隊的最高長官,要求我建立第28步兵師。我問他:“這是這次戰爭期間建立的最後一個師嗎?”他說:“不,還有最後一個師將在幾個月後建立。”所以,我要求他允許我建立最後一個師,第29步兵師,他同意了我的要求。建步兵師過程中我做的第一件事是設計一面獨特的軍旗。創意來自於29這個數字,2在軍旗中代表著分裂的朝鮮半島,9設計的就像我的拳頭一樣。我設計的這面軍旗的樣子就是我的拳頭懸在朝鮮半島之上。當人們看到29師的軍旗後,給了一個外號:“拳頭師”或“ Ik Keu Division ”。
我的第二項任務就是選擇建立軍團的指揮集團。為了協助我訓練軍隊進行軍事演習,我選擇了參謀Ha Chung Kab和中校Kim Hwang Mok。我還招募了南泰熙師範和韓車敦師範幫助我訓練士兵的唐手。在這段時間,雖然我仍舊稱這種武術為唐手,但是這種武術的特點和技術質量已經和我在日本所學的空手道有了很大的差別對我的下屬和唐手師範,我給了很明確的指示:“當軍人們在學習唐手時,所有的人都要向師範鞠躬敬禮,而不是按軍銜級別。當在道場外的時候,敬禮參照軍銜級別來。”軍事訓練、演習和唐手訓練的結合是我們的步兵師在韓國軍隊中很突出。我們做好了有沒有武器都要戰鬥的準備。

In 1954, President Seung Man Rhee, after watching a demonstration of Tang Soo by the 29th Division, remarked: "That is Taek Kyun. All of our soldiers should train (in) this art." What was the significance of this demonstration and President Rhee's remark?
Dr. Kimm:1954年李承晚總統在看了29師的唐手演武後,提到:“這就是跆跟。我們所有的軍人都應該學習這種武藝。”這次演武和總統的評價有什麼重要的意義?

General Choi: In June of 1954, the Fist Division left Cheju Island to become a part of the Second Corp, located in the Kang Won province in Eastern part of Korea. In the middle of September, a joint ceremony was held to commemorate the fourth birthday of the Second Corp and the first birthday of the 29th Division.
As part of the ceremony, the 29th demonstrated Tang Soo techniques. President Rhee watched our demonstration with great interest and did not sit down once during the thiry minute performance. When Master Nam, Tae Hee broke roofing tiles with his fist, the President, pointing to his knuckles asked me, "Is this the part used to break the tile?" To which I replied, "Yes, Sir!" Then the President turned toward the other generals in the audience and said, "This is Taek Kyun. I want to see all of our soldiers train in this art."
It is true that many of the other generals in the Korean Army did not want me to teach Tang Soo, to their soldiers. But the President's declaration made it easier to introduce Tang Soo to the rest of the Army. In order to this, I needed to build an institute to train and produce martial arts instructors. When the 29th Division moved its Headquarters to Yong Dae Ri, west of Sulrak Mountain, I ordered a gymnasium to be built. I named it Oh Do Kwan and it was here that Master Nam, Tae Hee began to teach Tang Soo to military instructors. President Rhee's description of our art as Taek Kyun made me think that Tang Soo needed a new name, one that was close to Taek Kyun.
The techniques I was teaching were neither Tang Soo nor Taek Kyun and I needed a new name urgently.
General Choi:1954年6月,第1師離開濟州島成為了第二集團軍的一部分,位於韓國東部的江原省。在9月中旬,一個聯合性的慶祝活動舉辦,為了慶祝第二集團軍的4歲生日和第29師的1歲生日。
作為這次慶祝活動的一部分,第29師表演了唐手技術。李總統很有興趣地觀看演武,在30分鐘的表演過程中一直站著沒有坐下。 當南泰熙師範用拳擊破瓦片時,總統指著自己的拳上的關節問我:“是不是用這個部分來擊破瓦片?”我回答說:“是的!先生。”然後總統轉向其他觀看演武的將軍們說:“這就是跆跟。我希望看到全軍都訓練這種技術。”這是真的,當時很多韓國軍隊的將軍並不希望我在他們軍隊中教授唐手。但是總統的聲明讓我給其他軍隊推廣唐手的過程更加容易。為了做到這些,我需要建立一個學院來訓練和培養武術師範。當29 師總部搬到Sulrak 山西部的Yong Dae Ri時,我命令建立了一所體育館。我將它命名為吾道館,也就是在這裏南泰熙師範開始教授唐手給軍事教練。 李總統對我們武術的形容:“跆跟”促使我思考唐手需要一個新的名字,這個名字應該近似於跆跟。我所教授的這種武術,既不是唐手也不是跆跟,我急切需要一個新的名字來命名它。

In 1955, you organized an advisory committee for naming the martial art. Why did you create this group and what challenges did you face during the meetings?
Dr. Kimm:1955年,您組織了一個諮詢委員會來為這個武術命名。您為什麼建立這樣的一個委員會,當時您在會上遇到的挑戰是什麼?

General Choi: As I mentioned previously, I had been researching, training and teaching Tang Soo since my assignment to the Fourth Regiment in Kwang Ju City in 1946. The art was based on Asian Philosophy and the techniques on scientific movement. Our demonstration before President Rhee was a great success. I had created the name Taekwon-Do and by 1955 felt it was time to announce the new name of the art. But rather than just proclaiming the name myself, I thought it wise to create an advisory committee for this purpose. At the time, many of the civilian dojangs were using the name Tang Soo, Kong Soo or Kwon Bub, because many generals in the Army were not happy with my activities. The committee was comprised of many prominent citizens, such as Mr. Cho, Kyung Jae, the Vice Speaker of the National Assembly, General Lee, Hyung Keun, the Commander in Chief of the Army, presidents of newspaper companies, etc. At the meeting, I explained that the name Taekwon-Do meant the Art of Kicking and Punching. While some of the members favored the names Tang Soo and Kong Soo, all agreed the name to use was Taekwon-Do. But one of the committee members suggested that we submit the name to President Rhee for his approval. The name was sent to president Rhee and he rejected it. He felt that Taek Kyun was a traditional martial art and that we should use it instead. I approached Mr. Kwak, Young Joo, the President's Chief of Staff and Mr. Suh, Jung Hak, the Director of the President's Protective Forces, and I explained to them that this was a new art, much different from the old art of Taek Kyun. I asked them to try to persuade the President to accept the new name. Finally, I received permission from President Rhee to use the new name of Taekwon-Do. After receiving the President's approval, I ordered the old Tang Soo signs in front ofOh Do Kwan and Chung Do Kwan to be replaced with the new Taekwon-Do signs. And I instructed Master Nam, Tae Hee that Taekwon-Do soldiers say "Tae Kwon" when they salute each other. The name Taekwon-Do gradually spread through the military ranks through Oh Do Kwan and to civilian students through Chung Do Kwan. In recollection, I think that it was possible to make the name "Taekwon-Do" because I was a two-star general, and had a powerful friend in General Lee, Hyung Keun, the Commander in Chief of the Army, and a good relationship with President Seung Man Rhee through Calligraphy and Tang Soo.
General Choi:就像我在前面提到的一樣,從1946年在光州城進入第四軍團時我就開始研究、訓練和教授唐手。這項武術基於東亞的哲學和科學的運動規律。我們在李總統面前的演武取得很大成功。1955年我命名它為跆拳道,並覺得到了需要公佈這個新的名字的時候。和僅僅是我自己來公佈這個新名字比起來,我認為創立一個諮詢委員會來公佈更明智一點。在那個時候,很多道場都使用唐手、空手或拳會等名稱,因為很多將軍都對我的在軍隊中的活動不滿。這個諮詢委員會由很多社會賢達和知名人士組成,像國會副議長趙瓊奎先生、軍隊總司令李亨根將軍、新聞集團的總裁等等。在會上,我解釋了跆拳道的意思,就是踢和拳的藝術。雖然有些會員更喜歡用唐手和空手來命名,但是都最終同意了用跆拳道作為名稱。但是諮詢委員會中的一位成員建議我們提交這個名稱給李總統,以得到他的批准。這個名字提交給了李總統,但是他否決了。他覺得“跆跟”是韓國的傳統武術,我們應該堅持用這個名字。我去找了總統的參謀長Kwak Young Joo 先生、總統衛隊總指揮 Suh Jung Hak 先生,我向他們解釋跆拳道是一項新的武術,完全不同于傳統的武術跆跟。我請求他們向總統勸說解釋接受這個新的名字。最終,我得到了李總統的許可,使用這個新的名字——跆拳道。得到總統的許可後,我命令使用唐手標誌的吾道館和青濤館換上新的跆拳道標誌。我還指示南泰熙師範和練習跆拳道的軍人使用“跆拳”作為互相敬禮時的用語。跆拳道這個名字漸漸傳開了,在軍隊是通過吾道館,在民間是通過青濤館。現在回想起來,跆拳道這個名稱最終能夠得到使用,主要是因為我是兩星上將,有一個重要的朋友——軍隊總司令李亨根將軍,因為書法和唐手與李承晚總統有很好的關係。

In 1959, you lead a Taekwon-Do team on a goodwill tour of Vietnam and the Republic of China. How were the trips arranged? What was the significance of these demonstrations?
Dr. Kimm:1959年,您帶領一支跆拳道友好訪問團前往越南和中華民國。這次訪問是怎麼安排的?這次訪問和演武有什麼重要意義?

General Choi: In the midsummer of 1957, President Rhee invited President Go Din Diem to visit Korea. On the official itinerary for the visit was a demonstration of Taekwon-Do. While watching the demonstration, President Diem said, "I understand now why Korean soldiers are so strong and well-disciplined." My friend, General Choi, Duk Shin overheard his remarks. Later, General Choi was appointed Ambassador to Vietnam. He asked President Diem to invite a Korean Taekwon-Do team to perform demonstrations in Vietnam. President Diem invited the team and we also received an invitation to visit the Republic of China. Twenty-one Taekwon-Do practitioners were selected for the demonstration team and received two weeks of special training at the Army Headquarters gymnasium.
The demonstration in Vietnam was a great success. We were invited to perform for two weeks, and in that time over 300,000 people witnessed and enjoyed our demonstration. Due to the success of our tour, President Diem asked us to extend our visit by another week. During one of our demonstrations, General Tiu, the Superintendent of the Military Academy and later President of Vietnam, remarked, " I never imagined that the human body could produce such power.
This is a martial art we should practice in Vietnam." The significance of the trip was two-fol. The first is that for the first time in the 5,000 years of Korean history, the culture, soul and techniques of Korea were shown in a foreign country. The second is that in 1962, the government of Vietnam officially asked Korea to send a group of instructors to Vietnam to instruct the military and civilian communities in the art of Taekwon-Do. Before going back to Korea, we made a stop in Taipei, Republic of China. In Taipei, General Yu greeted us. In his welcoming address, he said, "China and Korea have been brothers for a thousand years. Taekwon-Do might well have been introduced to korea by China during the Kija Kingdom (Kija is a lengendary Chinese man who established the Kija Kingdom in a time before the birth of Christ). In my reply to the audience, hiding my ill feelings, I said, "Yes, China and Korea have been brother nations throughout our history. But Taekwon-Do is a new martial art created by me in 1955. There was no Taekwon-Do before Christ." We gave demonstrations in Dae Buk and in Dae Nam. Our demonstration in Dae Buk was attended by many high officials of the Chinese government, including Chiang, Kyung Kuk, the son of the President, and the second most powerful man in the Republic. When making the schedule for the demonstration, the Chinese wanted to add time for a performance of Byuk Jang Sool or Kung-Fu. We welcomed it because we had much confidence in our ability to beat the popularity of Kung-Fu. And during the demonstration, we received many standing ovations applauding our breaking, kicking and defense against weapon techniques. The Korean Ambassador to the Republic of China, General Kim, Hong Il, told me, "One year ago, I cried out of sadness because our volleyball team was defeated by the Chinese by one point. But now I am crying out of joy because I saw that the skills of Taekwon-Do are far superior to those of Kung-Fu."
General Choi:在1957年的夏季中旬,李總統邀請吳庭豔總統來訪問韓國。在官方安排的行程中包括觀看跆拳道演武。正在他觀看演武的時候,吳總統說:“我現在知道為什麼韓國的軍人看上那樣強壯和精幹了。”我的朋友崔德新將軍聽說了他的這些評價。不久後,崔將軍被任命為越南大使。他希望吳總統邀請一支韓國的跆拳道隊在越南演武。吳總統邀請我們前往越南演武,同時我們也得到了中華民國的邀請。我們選出 21 名跆拳道選手最為演武隊,並在軍隊總部體育館接受了兩周的特別訓練。在越南的演武很成功。我們被邀請表演了兩週,在那個時候大概有300,000人觀看並享受了我們的精彩演武。因為我們的成功演武,吳總統要求我們再延長一周的訪問時間。在我們一次演武的過程中,楊文明將軍,當時越南軍事學院總監和後來的越南總統,很吃驚地說:“我從來不敢想像人類的軀體能產生那麼大的力量!這種武術我們越南也應該學習。”這次訪問具有了雙重意義。首先,這是有著5000年歷史的韓國,它的文化、精神和技術第一次在另外一個國家展示;另一個是在1962年,越南政府正式要求韓國派遣一支師範隊伍前往越南為軍隊和社會教授推廣跆拳道。在回韓國之前,我們又去了臺灣的臺北。在臺北,于豪章將軍會見了我們。在他的歡迎致辭中,他說:“中國和韓國幾千年來一直都是兄弟。跆拳道有可能是朝鮮的萁子王朝時期由中國傳到韓國的(萁子王朝是一個傳奇性的中國男人建立的王朝,時間早於基督誕生)。”在隨後我對觀眾的演講中,我隱藏起我的反感說:“是的,中國和韓國在歷史上一直都是兄弟。但是跆拳道是一項新的武道,由我創立於1955年。在基督誕生之前這世上沒有跆拳道。”我們在臺北和台南都做了演示。我們在臺北的展示有很多中國政府高級官員參加,包括總統的兒子蔣經國,臺灣第二號最有權力的人。當我們制定展示演出表的時候,中國人希望加上演示搏擊術或功夫的時間。我們很歡迎這樣做,因為我們自信在能力和技術上能夠擊敗有名的功夫。在演示期間,當我們擊破、踢腿和演示護身術時,受到了熱烈的站立式掌聲和歡呼。韓國駐中華民國大使金洪一將軍告訴我:“一年前,因為我國排球隊被中國隊以一分之差擊敗時,我悲痛的哭了。但是這次我高興的哭了,因為我看到跆拳道的技術遠遠比中國功夫優越。”

When you organized the first Korean Taekwon-do Association, what kind of challenges did you face?
Dr. Kimm:當您組建第一個韓國跆拳道協會時,都遇到了那些挑戰?

General Choi: By 1959, I was working at Army Headquarters in Seoul and I had more time to devote to Taekwon-Do. I created the Department of Mu Do (martial arts) in the Army and was appointed its first director. In Seoul, one of my goals was to unify the major Taekwon-Do groups and form the Korea Taekwon-Do Association. Originally, I had planned to create the Korea Martial Arts Association. In contrast to the Korea Sports Union, which emphasized competition, I wanted the korea Martial Arts Association to concentrate on Asian philosophy. But the leaders of Judo and Kumdo had already joined the Korea Sports Union. I had no choice but join the Union as well. In order to join the Union, we had to have a single name for the arts of kicking and punching. While Taekwon-Do was widely used in the Army, Oh Do Kwan, Chung Do Kwan and many civilian schools still used names like Tang Soo, Kong Soo or Kwon Bub. In the late autumn of 1959, I invited the leaders of four major Kwans to my home. No, Byung Jik represented Song Moo Kwan; Yoon, Kwe Byung, Ji Do Kwan; Lee; Nam Suk, Chang Moo Kwan; and Hwang, Ki represented Moo Duk Kwan. I represented Oh Do Kwan and Chung Do Kwan. I told them that we needed to unify under a single name in order to apply for membership to the Korea Sports Union. I explained to them that Ta kwon-Do was already well known in the Army, and that we had given demonstrations in Vietnam and the Republic of China under the name of Taekwon-Do. No, Byung Jik and Lee, Nam Suk persisted in using the name Tang Soo, and Hwang, Ki wanted to use Tang Soo. I told them, "I cannot understand why you insist using the names of Japanese Karate. My full purpose for this meeting was to get away from the Korean variations in pronunciation for Japanese Karate, kong Soo and Tang Soo." Raising my voice, I said, "Now we have our own philosophy and techniques of a Korean identity, so let's unify under the name of Taekwon-Do." Finally, the masters agreed and the Korea Taekwon-Do Association was formed. I was elected as president of the Association, No, Byung Jik and Yoon, Kwe Byung were elected vice-presidents and Hwang, Ki was appointed as the chairman of the Board of Governors. It was the first time that the heads of the six major Kwans agreed to use the name Taekwon-Do, While processing our application, the Student Uprising of April 19, 1960, overthrew the government of President Rhee and we lost our chance for admittance. It took two more years for our application to be accepted.
General Choi:1959年我在首爾的軍隊總部工作,有很多時間投入到跆拳道上。我在軍隊中建立了武道部,並指定了該部門第一個師範。在首爾,我的一個目標是團結主要的跆拳道組織並建立韓國跆拳道協會。一開始,我打算建立韓國武術協會。因為對比韓國體育聯盟,他們更重視競爭,我想的是建立韓國武術協會,其目標更加重視東亞的哲學理念。但是柔道和劍道的領導已經選擇加入了韓國體育聯盟。我沒有別的選擇,只好也加入體育聯盟。為了加入體育聯盟,我們就必須選擇一個統一的名稱來命名所有用拳和腳攻擊的武術。這個時期雖然跆拳道這個名字已經很廣泛地運用於軍隊、吾道館和青濤館,但是民間很多道館仍然使用唐手、空手或拳館等名稱。在1959 年的秋末,我邀請了四個主要道館的領袖到我家中。盧秉直代表松武館;尹快炳代表智道館;李南石代表彰武館;黃琦代表武德館。我代表了吾道館和青濤館。我告訴他們我們需要統一在一個名稱之下以成為韓國體育協會的會員。我向他們解釋了跆拳道這個名稱已經在軍隊中很知名,並且在這個名稱下我們已經在越南和中國臺灣展示我們的武術。盧秉直和李南石堅持使用唐手作為名稱。還有黃琦也想使用“唐手。我告訴他們:“我不明白為什麼你們要堅持使用日本空手道的名字。我組織這次會議所有的目的就是拋棄使用韓語發音的實際是日本空手道、空手和唐手這些名稱。”我提高了音量,說:“現在我們有了屬於自己的韓式的哲學和技術,所以讓我們統一在跆拳道這個名稱下”最終,那些師範們同意了,並且韓國跆拳道協會也正式成立。我被選為協會的主席,盧秉直和尹快炳被選為副主席,黃琦被指定為協會理事會秘書。這是韓國六大道館的領袖首次一致同意使用跆拳道這個名字,在我們正在申請正式認可的過程中,1960年4月19日的學生運動推翻了李總統的政府,我們失去了被官方正式確認的機會。接下來又花了兩年多的時間我們的申請才正式被批准。

On May 16, 1961, you were a participant in the military coup d'etat that seized control of the government and later installed General Park, Chung Hee as President of Korea. What factors led to later distancing yourself from him?
Dr. Kimm:1961年5月16日,您參加了一次軍隊的武裝政變,接著導致朴正熙將軍成為韓國總統,後來發生了什麼事導致你們關係疏遠?

General Choi: First, let me explain the relationship between General Park and me. I was a member of the 110 founding fathers of the Korean Army. General Park was my junior and had always addressed me as "Sir". The reason I joined the coup d'etat was that one of my staff told me that General Chang, Do Young, the Chief of Staff of the Army, was leading this movement. Later I found out that General Park only used the name of General Chang to convince others to join the coup. After the coup d'etat was succesful, General Park accused General Chang of being a counter-revolutionary and expelled him to the United States. Initially, General Park had promised the Korean people that he would return to the Army once the coup was completed. In actuality, General Park and his staff were busy preparing to take over the presidency. I advised General Park to keep this promise to the people and return to the Army as soon as possible -- then the people will respect you forever. Rather than taking my advice, he forced me to retire and appointed me Ambassador to Malaysia.
General Choi:首先,讓我解釋一下我和朴將軍的關係。我是韓國軍隊110個創建人之一。朴將軍是我的晚輩,經常需要稱呼我為“長官”。我加入武裝政變的原因是下屬告訴我這次政變的領導是張都映將軍,他是軍隊的領導之一。但是隨後我發現朴將軍只是利用張將軍的名字去說服其他人參與政變。在政變成功後,朴將軍就指控張將軍是反革命並將他驅逐到美國。最初,朴將軍答應韓國人民一旦完成政變他就回到軍隊。事實上,朴將軍和他的人馬正忙著準備接手總統的權力。我勸告朴將軍遵守對民眾許下的諾言,儘快返回軍隊,這樣人民會永遠尊敬你。但是跟我勸告他的完全相反,他強迫我辭去軍隊的職務,並任命我為駐馬來西亞大使。

Why did the Korea Taekwon-Do Association change its name to he Korea Tae Soo Do Association in 1962?
Dr. Kimm:為什麼1962 年韓國跆拳道協會更名為韓國唐手道協會?

General Choi: With my appointment as Ambassador to Malaysia in 1962, I revived the attempt to register the Korea Taekwon-Do Association with the Korea Sports Union. By this time, a new generation of masters had ascended to leadership roles within the respective Kwans. I invited Um, Eung Kyu, President of Chung Do Kwan, Lee, Jong Woo, Head Instructor of Ji Do Kwan and Lee, Nam Suk, President of Chang Moo Kwan to my home. During the meeting, discussions centered on what name should be used. I told them that Taekwon-Do had already been chosen as the name and if they wanted to discuss a new name, go ahead. And then I left the meeting. A few days later, newspapers began reporting that the name Taekwon-Do had been changed to Tae Soo Do and that I had been elected President of the korea Tae Soo Do Association. I refused to accept the position because I did not approve of the name change.
Anyway, I had to leave for Malaysia and would not be back in Korea for many years. I recommended General Chae, Myung Shin for the position. He received a fifth dan black belt in Taekwon-Do from me. To prepare for the future of Taekwon-Do, I ordered Um, Eung Kyu, President of Chung Do Kwan, Nam, Tae Hee, President of Oh Do Kwan, and Hyun, Jong Myung, President of the Students Taekwon-Do Association to form the Korea Taekwon-Do Association. And then I left for Malaysia.
General Choi:1962年當我被任命為韓國大使時,我又重啟了向韓國體育聯盟申請建立跆拳道協會。但是這段時期,一些新一代的師範升任為各大道館的館長。我邀請了嚴雲奎-正道館館長,李仲佑-智道館首席師範,李南石-彰武館館長,到我的家中。在會談期間,討論集中在該用那個名稱上。在會談期間,討論集中在該用那個名稱上。我告訴他們跆拳道已經被選為名稱,如果他們想討論選一個新名稱,那請繼續。然後我離開會議。幾天後,新聞報紙都報導跆拳道被改稱為唐手道,我被選為韓國唐手道協會的主席。我拒絕的了這一職位,因為我沒有同意使用這一新的名稱。不管怎樣,我要離開前往馬來西亞很多年後才能回到韓國。我推薦蔡明新將軍擔任這個職位。他曾從我這裡得到了跆拳道五段的段位。為了跆拳道的未來,我命令正道館的嚴雲奎,吾道館的南泰熙,學生跆拳道協會主席玄中明,建立了韓國跆拳道協會,然後我前往馬來西亞。

What did you accomplish as the Korean Ambassador to Malaysia?
Dr. Kimm:在作為韓國駐馬來西亞大使期間,您都做了什麼?

General Choi: When I arrived in Malaysia, the people did not know too much about Korea. I decided the best way to get them to know about Korea was through my Calligraphy and Taekwon-Do. So, I sponsored an exhibition of my Calligraphy and displayed pictures of Taekwon-Do as well. The reporters covering the opening were very interested in Taekwon-Do and asked me to demonstrate some Taekwon-Do techniques. I stripped down to my T-shirt and performed some Taekwon-Do techniques for them. The next day, articles and pictures of my demonstration appeared in many newspapers. This was not viewed favorably in Seoul.
Demonstrating in only my T-shirt was thought to be undignified for an Ambassador by members of the Korean government. But the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dung Ku Rama, praised my exhibition of Taekwon-Do and asked me to arrange a Taekwon-Do demonstration for the commemoration of the Malay Independence Day in 1963. The Taekwon-Do demonstration was broadcast over television and seen throughout the country of Malaysia as well as by viewers in neighboring countries.
Soon these countries requested that Taekwon-Do instructors be sent to teach their citizens the martial art. Taekwon-Do was now spreading throughout Southeast Asia and in each country a national Taekwon-Do association was formed. In February of 1964, I flew to saigon, Vietnam, to meet with Major Baek, joon Ki, the head of Korean Taekwon-Do instructors in Vietnam. The Major was a fine military officer and a good Taekwon-Do instructor. He gathered all of the Taekwon-Do instructors in Vietnam for a seminar where I introduced the Tul that I had created. Because the seminar was organized at the last minute, the only place we could practice was the rooftop of a hotel. It was terribly hot and very humid. The Korean Ambassador to Vietnam, General Shin, Sang Chul, came to the seminar and later worried about my health in such conditions. At the seminar, all of the instructors learned the new Tul and then began to teach it in Vietnam. I later sent a manuscript of the new Tul to Lt. Colonel Woo, Jong Lim, Head of Oh Do Kwan in korea, and ordered him to teach it to the Oh Do Kwan, Chung Do Kwan and to the Korean Army. By the summer of 1964, I had finished 20 of the 24 Tul and had established a firm foundation of techniques and forms for the upcoming English Taekwon-Do textbook. It was during this time that the new Tul began to become popular in Southeast Asia and Korea.
General Choi:當我來到馬來西亞時,人們對韓國還不是很瞭解。我確定讓他們瞭解韓國最好的途徑是通過我的書法和跆拳道。所以,我發起了一個關於我書法的展覽同時也展示了一些跆拳道的照片。在開幕式上新聞記者們對跆拳道很感興趣,要求我表演一些跆拳道的技術。我脫下上衣穿著T 恤給他們表演了一些跆拳道的技術。第二天,關於我表演的文章和圖片出現在很多報紙上。在韓國首爾都沒有受到如此熱烈的歡迎。我只穿著T 恤的表演被韓國政府認為不符合一個大使應該有的莊重。但是馬來西亞首相東姑阿都拉曼,讚揚了我的跆拳道展示並要求我在1963年的馬來西亞獨立日慶祝活動上組織一個跆拳道表演。這次表演被電視廣播廣泛傳播於馬來西亞全國和臨近的一些國家。很快,一些國家要求派遣跆拳道師範到他們那裏,去教授他們的國民。跆拳道在東南亞國家間傳播開來,每個國家都建立了全國性的跆拳道協會。1964年2月,我飛到越南西貢,會見了少校白駿基,越南跆拳道師範們的領導。少校是位很優秀的軍官和跆拳道師範。他召集了越南全國的跆拳道師範參加一個技術研討會,在研討會上我介紹了自己創立的特爾。因為這個研討會是臨時召集起來的,所以我們只能在酒店的樓頂進行。那裏非常潮濕和炎熱。隨後韓國駐越南大使申尚哲將軍來到研討會後,開始擔心在那種惡劣氣候下我的健康。在研討會上,所有的師範都學會了我教的新特爾,隨後開始在全越南教授。不久後,我也把新特爾的手稿寄給了禹鍾林上校,韓國吾道館館長,並要求他在吾道館、正道館和韓國軍隊中教授。在1964年的夏天,我完成了24個跆拳道特爾中的20個,建立了規範穩定的技術基礎,並開始了英文版跆拳道教材的準備。就是在這個時期,新的特爾開始在東南亞和韓國流行。

When you returned to Korea in 1965, you became President of the Korea Tae Soo Do Association. Soon after your return, you changed its name to the Korea Taekwon-do Association. Please tell me what the condition of Taekwon-Do in Korea was like at that time.
Dr. Kimm:1965年您回到韓國後,成為了韓國唐手道協會的主席。就在您回到韓國後不久,您將它的名稱改為韓國跆拳道協會。請告訴我們,當時在韓國跆拳道是一種怎樣的狀況?

General Choi: When I returned to Korea, the Korea Tae Soo Do Association was a member of the Korea Sports Union. The rules of Tae Soo Do competitions were not too much different from those of Japanese Karate. I knew that I had to make a change, and remembered an old Korean saying, "In order to catch a bay tiger, you have to go into the tiger's lair." So I became president of the association. Soon afterwards, I called for a meeting of the General Assembly and proposed to change the name from Tae Soo Do to Taekwon-Do. The vote to change the name was won by one vote, and I remember one delegate crying out, lamenting the changing of the name. The reason I could change the name is although President Park and I did not agree in political affairs, I still had the reputation and power as a retired two-star general and ambassador.
General Choi:當我回到韓國後,韓國唐手道協會下屬於韓國體育聯盟。唐手道的競技規則和日本的空手道沒有太大的區別。我知道我需要對其做一些改變,有一句古話這樣說:“不入虎穴焉得虎子。”所以我成為了唐手道協會的主席。不久後,我要求開了一次將軍召集會議並試圖將唐手道改為跆拳道。最後改名方案以一票的優勢獲得通過,我記得其中一個委員因名稱的改變而傷心地痛哭起來。我能夠改變協會名稱是因為背後朴總統的支援,雖然我並不認同他的政治取向,但是我始終具有退役兩星少將和前大使的聲望和影響力。

In 1966 you formed the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF). What was your purpose in setting up the organization and who helped you during this time?
Dr. Kimm:1966年您創建了國際跆拳道協會( ITF ),您建立這個組織的目的是什麼?當時都有誰幫助您?

General Choi: In 1965, while serving as the President of the Korea Taekwon-Do Association, the Korean Ambassador to West Germany, my friend, General Choi, Duk Shin, told me that there was interest in having a Taekwon-Do demonstration team tour Europe. He aranged for official invitations to be sent for the tour through six European and Asian countries. I submitted the proper paperwork for travel expenses to the President's Cabinet. The name for the tour was "Kukki Taekwon-Do Goodwill Demonstration Team." This was the first time I used the term Kukki Taekwon-Do (National Taekwon-Do) in an official document. The members of the team were Han, Cha Kyo, Park, Joong Soo, Kwon, Jae Hwa, and Kim, Joong Keun. I was the team leader. We toured Germany, Italy, Egypt, Turkey, Malaysia and Singapore. The demonstration was a great success and eventually led to the creation of Taekwon-Do associations in the tour countries. On March 22, 1966, representatives from nine countries gathered in Seoul to form the International Taekwon-Do Federation. Mr. Kim, Jong Phil, the Chairman of the ruling Kong Hwa Dang party, was elected as honorary President and I was elected as President. Lee, Han Ra, the Malaysian Secretary of Commerce and Industry, was elected as Vice President, Um, Eung Kyu as Secretary-General, and Lee, Jong Woo as Chairman of the Technical Committee. The establishment of the I.T.F. was the first time in Korean history that an international organization was created with headquarters in Korea and with a Korean serving as President. The charter countries of the I.T.F. were Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, West Germany, the United States of America, Turkey, Italy, and Egypt. The organization grew very rapidly to thirty member countries in just two years.
General Choi:1965年,在我做韓國跆拳道協會主席期間,韓國駐西德大使,也是我的朋友,崔德新將軍,告訴我那邊對跆拳道示範團巡迴歐洲有興趣。他會組織六個歐洲和亞洲國家對跆拳道示範團發出正式的官方邀請。我向總統內閣提交了組織這次巡迴示範的意向書和經費申請。這個示範團定名為:“國技跆拳道友好示範團”。這是第一次我在官方檔上使用國技跆拳道這個名稱。這個團由韓車敦、朴鍾水、全載華和金忠根組成。我是這個團的領隊。我們訪問了德國、義大利、埃及、土耳其、馬來西亞和新加坡。展示團取得了很大的成功,最終在這些訪問過的國家建立了跆拳道協會。
1966年3月22日,9個國家的代表齊聚首爾,建立了國際跆拳道聯盟。Kim Jong Phil先生,共和黨主席被選為聯盟榮譽總裁,我被選為總裁。Lee Han Ra先生,馬來西亞工業與商務部部長,被選為聯盟副總裁,嚴雲奎被選為秘書長,李仲佑被任命為技術委員會主席。ITF是韓國歷史上建立的第一個總部在韓國由韓國人擔任總裁的國際組織。當時國際跆拳道聯盟的會員國包括韓國、越南、馬來西亞、新加坡、西德、美國、土耳其、義大利和埃及。在短短兩年內協會很快就發展到具有三十個會員國的規模。

How did Taekwon-Do become so popular and widely practiced during the Vietnam War?
Dr. Kimm:在越南戰爭期間跆拳道是怎樣變得那樣受歡迎和普及的?

General Choi: Vietnam was the first foreign country where Taekwon-Do was taught on such a large scale. As I had previously mentioned, President Go Din Diem was greatly impressed with our Taekwon-Do exhibition in 1959 and requested instructors to teach the Vietnamese military. The first group of Taekwon-Do instructors was led by Major Nam, Tae Hee and arrived in Vietnam in 1962. These instructors taught Taekwon-Do to the Vietnamese military and citizenry, and to Korean and other foreign soldiers stationed in Vietnam. As the war escalated, the number of instructors sent to Vietnam grew. By 1973, 647 Taekwon-Do instructors had been sent to Vietnam. With them they took the advances in techniques and new Tul that had been developed. The strength of Taekwon-Do training in Korean soldiers had a psychological affect on the Viet Cong. Through Taekwon-Do training, Korean soldiers had developed excellent physical conditioning, a strong mentuality and superior combat techniques. The leaders of the Viet Cong advised their troops to retreat, rather than fight, if they came into contact with Korean soldiers. Ironically, Taekwon-Do experienced great growth because of the war. Many foreign soldiers who learned Taekwon-Do in Vietnam, later invited their instructors to visit them in their native country. Through Vietnam, many instructors gained the opportunity to teach Taekwon-Do throughout the world.
General Choi:越南是第一個這樣大規模的學習跆拳道的外國國家。就像我之前提到的那樣,吳庭豔總統受到1959年那次跆拳道展示的極大震撼,並要求我們派遣跆拳道師範前去教授他們的軍隊。第一個跆拳道師範團是由少校南泰熙率領,並於1962年到達越南。這些師範將跆拳道教授給越南軍隊和社會,還有在越南駐紮的韓國和外國軍人。隨著戰爭的升級,越來越多的師範被派往越南。到1973年,已經有647位師範曾被派往越南。他們帶著改進了的跆拳道技術和新創的特爾前往那裡教授。因為韓國軍隊訓練跆拳道對越共造成了心理影響。通過跆拳道的訓練,韓國軍人發展了很強壯的身體、頑強的意志、很優越的格鬥技術。越共的領導要求他們的軍隊如果遭遇到韓國軍隊寧可撤退也不要正面衝突。有意思的是,跆拳道技術也因為這場戰爭得到了很大的提高。很多在越南學了跆拳道的外國軍人,隨後也邀請他們的師範前往他們的國家教授。通過越南,很多師範得到了在全世界教授跆拳道的機會。

General Choi, to ask you a difficult and personal question, what the reason behind your exile from Korea?
Dr. Kimm:崔將軍,想問你一個很難回答的私人問題,是什麼原因導致您從韓國流亡的?

General Choi: General Park, Chung Hee's power in Korea was solidified after he was elected for his second term as President of Korea. The political climate in Korea led me to believe that if I stayed and did not support his policies, I would either be placed under house arrest or thrown into jail. I had seen what he did to his political opponents. Under those circumstances, I would not have the freedom to promote Taekwon-Do or run rhe International Taekwon-Do Federation. And Taekwon-Do was my life. After the elction, President Park sent Kim, Un Young, the Deputy Director of the Presidential Protective Force, to take over the Korea Taekwon-Do Association. Shortly thereafter, the Korea Taekwon-Do Association began to interfere in the affairs of the International Taekwon-Do Federation. In August of 1971, I presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the International TYaekwon-Do Federation. In this meeting I said, "My dear members, the International Taekwon-Do Federation's President is a Korean, but this does not mean that the ITF should be controlled or directed by the Korean government. It is an international organization that can let no country influence our decisions through undue pressure." Afterwards, I began to make plans to leave Korea in secret.
General Choi:朴正熙將軍在韓國的權力得到加強,就在他第二次被選為韓國總統後。當時韓國的政治氣候使我相信如果我留在那裏而不支持他的政策的話,我將會被軟禁或者關到監獄中。我看到過他是怎樣對付政治對手的。在這種環境下,我將不可能有自由去發展跆拳道和管理經營國際跆拳道聯盟。但是跆拳道是我的生命。在選舉結束後,朴總統派遣金雲龍,總統武裝部隊副官,接手韓國跆拳道協會。在這之後不久,韓國跆拳道協會開始干涉國際跆拳道聯盟的事務。1971年8月,我主持了一次國際跆拳道聯盟常務委員會議。在這次會議上我說:“我親愛的會員們,國際跆拳道聯盟的總裁是一個韓國人,但這並不意味著ITF要被韓國政府所控制和領導。這是一個國際性的組織,不能讓任何國家通過施加壓力影響我們的決定。”之後,我開始了準備秘密離開韓國的計畫。

Was there any particular reason you chose to go in exile in Canada?
Dr. Kimm:您選擇加拿大作為目的地有什麼特別的原因嗎?

General Choi: Yes. First, Canada can be considered to be a Western Bloc Country, but she maintains a neutral position in international affairs. Through Canada, I felt that I would be able to freely travel to Western and Eastern Bloc and Third World nations to spread the art of Taekwon-Do. Second, geographically, Canada is centrally located between Europe and South America, so it is easy to travel to these continents. The third reason is that my dear student, Par, Jong Soo had already established a strong Taekwon-Do foundation in Canada and was operating a very successful school. This made it easier to move the Headquarters of The International Taekwon-Do Federation to Canada. Finally, I knew that the Olympic Games were to be held in Montreal, Canada, in 1976. With a base in Canada, I felt it would be a good opportunity to promote Taekwon-Do as an Olympic event.
General Choi:是的,首先,加拿大可以被看作是西方陣營的國家,但她同時在國際事務中保持著中立的立場。通過加拿大,我感到我可以自由地前往西方和東方陣營的國家和一些第三世界國家,去推廣跆拳道藝術。其次,從地理上來說,加拿大位於歐洲和南美的中間,所以前往這些國家很容易。第三個原因是因為,我的學生朴鐘水已經在加拿大建立了很強的跆拳道基礎,並運營了一個很成功的跆拳道學校。這使得將國際跆拳道聯盟的總部移往加拿大很容易。最後,我知道1976年的奧運會將在加拿大蒙特利爾舉辦。有了加拿大的跆拳道基地,我覺得這是一個將跆拳道提升為奧運項目的好機會。

What was the reaction of the Korean Government when they learned that a retired two-star general was now in exile in Canada?

General Choi: President Park sent many prominent members of the National Assembly to try to persuade me to return to Korea. They told me that the President had promised me a cabinet post, such as the Secretary of Foreign Affairs or an ambassadorship to the country of my choosing. After I rebuffed these initial attempts, he sent many close friends to try to persuade me to return. When taht failed, the President kidnapped my son and daughter and threatened their lives if I did not return. My response to them was, "I choose Taekwon-Do over my son." President Park, knowing of my character and determination, ordered Kim, Un Young to establish the World Taekwon-Do Federation to fight against the International Taekwon-Do Federation.
General Choi:朴總統派了很多國會中的重要人物來加拿大勸說我回韓國。他們告訴我總統許諾給我內閣中的位置,類似外交部部長或由我隨選的任何一個國家的大使職位。在我堅決拒絕這些最初的嘗試後,他又派遣了很多親密的朋友勸說我回去。當這手段也失敗後,總統綁架了我的兒子和女兒,並威脅如果我不回國就殺了他們。我回復他們:“在孩子和跆拳道之間,我選擇跆拳道。”朴總統知道我的性格和決心,就命令金雲龍建立了世界跆拳道聯盟來對抗國際跆拳道聯盟。

What kind of hardships have you faced after 25 years in exile?
Dr.Kimm:您在25 年的流亡生涯中都遇到了那些困難?

General Choi: No one can know how lonely the life is of an exiled man. I don't have money or the type of friends who I can laugh and joke with. But I never regret my decision to leave Korea because I have had the opportunity to spread Taekwon-Do throughout the world. And I thaught Taekwon-Do without regard to race, religion, nationality, or ideology. In this respect, I am the happiest man in the world, and am proud to have left my footprint in this world. Spreading Taekwon-Do throughout the world is a very challenging job. I travel constantly giving seminars, leading demonstrations and presiding over championships. And I have done this despite the threats on my life form Korean Central Intelligence Officers and Korean Diplomatic Personnel. Agents of the Korean government have told airport officials that I was the head of a terrorist organization which was trying to kill the Korean President, and should be denied entry into the country. They pressured owners of gymnasiums into denying us facilities for seminars. There were many times when we had to give seminars in public parks. They have sent some of my old students to try to kidnap me on many occasions. And there have been attempts on my life by armed assassins. KCIA officers would threaten the parents of ITF instructors teaching overseas if the instructors continued to associate with me. These officers also told the expatriate ITF instructors that their pass ports would not be renewed if they continued to associate with me. So, gradually over time, most of my overseas instructors left me. The pressure I received from the Korean government made me stronger than ever and I put all of my energy into developing new Taekwon-Do techniques. I teach the same system of Taekwon-Do throughout the world.
General Choi:沒有人能夠想像流亡生涯對一個人來說有多麼的孤獨。我沒有錢,也沒有可以開玩笑交流的朋友。但是我從來不後悔從韓國逃出來的決定,因為我得到了在世界上推廣跆拳道的機會。我不分種族、信仰、國籍、和意識形態地教授跆拳道。從這方面來說,我是這個世界上最幸福的人,我很驕傲我能在這個世界上留下足跡。將跆拳道推廣到世界上是一項很有挑戰的工作。我經常周遊世界去舉辦研討會、進行跆拳道示範,組織跆拳道錦標賽。我做這些工作都是在韓國情報部門和外交部對我生命的壓力和威脅下進行的。韓國政府的情報人員告訴機場管理部門,我是一個恐怖組織的領導,準備謀殺韓國總統,所以應該拒絕我進入那個國家。他們對一些體育館的負責人施加壓力拒絕我們在那裏舉辦的研討會,所以有很多次我麼都不得不在公園舉辦研討會。他們還派遣我的一些過去的學生在很多場合下綁架我。還曾派遣刺客試圖暗殺我。韓國的中央情報局威脅國際跆拳道聯盟在海外教課的師範,如果他們還繼續和我保持關係,將逮捕他們在韓國的父母。這些官員還告訴這些在海外的ITF 師範們,如果他們繼續和我聯繫,他們的護照將不予通過。所以,隨著時間的流逝,很多我在海外的師範都慢慢地離開了我。韓國政府施加給我的這些壓力使我前所未有的強悍,我將所有的精力都投入到發展跆拳道技術上。我在全世界教授相同的跆拳道技術。

General, you organized the First World Taekwon-Do Championship in Montreal, Canada, in 1974. Does the championship continue today?

General Choi: Yes, in September of 1999, the 11th Championship will be held in Argentina. By 1969, the International Taekwon-Do Federation had thirty member countries. I had planned for the first world championship to be held in Korea, but it never materialized. By the time I arrived in Canada, I found that I had more freedom to plan and organize a championship. The first one was held in Canada, followed by championships held in the United States, Argentina, Scotland, Greece, Hungary, Canada again, North korea, Malaysia, Russia, and Argentina again this year. We have sparring, pattern and breaking competitions in the World Championships.
General Choi:是的,1999年9月,第11屆世界錦標賽將在阿根廷舉辦。在1969年,國際跆拳道聯盟擁有30個成員國。我本來準備在韓國舉辦第一屆世界錦標賽,但是這個計畫沒有成功。當我來到了加拿大,我發現我有了更多的自由來計劃和組織一次錦標賽。所以第一屆在加拿大舉辦,接下來又陸續在美國、阿根廷、蘇格蘭、希臘、匈牙利、加拿大、北朝鮮、馬來西亞、俄羅斯舉辦,還有今年在阿根廷的又一屆錦標賽。在世界錦標賽上我們有對打、套路和擊破三個項目。

I have heard from many people that you were involved in political activity against the Korean government. Would you like to comment on these accusations?

General Choi: People need to understand the difference between anti-government and anti-dictator. I fought against the dictator Park, Chung Hee and his followers. I knew Park, Chung Hee better than anyone else. I did not believe that Park was qualified to be president and I never thought Park was a legitimate president. He graduated from the Japanese Military Academy and fought against the Korean Revolutionary Army during the occupation. After the liberation of korea from Japan, he joined the Korean Army and then staged an insurrection against the Korean Government. During his court martial, I was one of the judges who sentenced him to death. I participated in the coup d'etat with him because I believed the movement was led by General Chang, Do Young, the Commander in Chief of the Army. But Park had merely used the General's name and deceived many of the generals who participated in the coup d'etat. Genral Chang and I were among the judges who had earlier participated in Park's court martial. Faced with opposition to his Presidential candidacy from many generals, including myself, Park forced us to retire from the Army and sent General Chang into exile in the United States. After Park became president, he changed the Korean Constitution so many times, he virtually became "President for Life." And using the KCIA, he strictly controlled the freedoms of the Korean people. Eventually the political climate forced me into exile in Canada. In Canada, I tried to inform the world of what was happening in Korea. And through the media, I urged the Korean military to overthrow the dictator Park and restore democracy in Korea. Park's dictatorship lasted for 18 years from 1961 to 1979. But what happened? Park lost his life by trusting his KCIA director, General Kim, Jae Kyu. The death of Park did not end the totalitarian government. General Chun, Doo Hwan and General Ro, Tae Woo took power and continued the military government until the beginning of 1990. Under these conditions, I continued to fight against dictatorship, not against the Korea people.
General Choi:人們需要明白反政府和反獨裁之間的區別。我和朴正熙和他的追隨者的專制獨裁統治做鬥爭。我比任何人都更瞭解朴正熙。我不認為朴有擔任總統的資格和能力,我從來不認為他是一個合法的總統。他是從日本陸軍軍官學校畢業的,並在韓國日據時期幫日本鎮壓韓國獨立軍。當韓國從日本的佔領下得到解放獨立後,他又加入了韓國軍隊,並在後來策劃了反對韓國政府的軍事政變。在他上軍事法庭的時候,我是判決他死刑的審判長之一。我參加他的政變,是因為我以為那場政變是由張都映將軍領導的,張將軍是當時軍隊的總司令。但是朴僅僅只是利用張將軍的名字,來忽悠眾多的將軍參加他的政變。張將軍和我曾經是在軍事法庭上審判他的法官。張將軍和我曾經是在軍事法庭上審判他的法官。並在眾多的將軍中反對他競選總統,包括我在內,朴將軍強迫我們從軍隊中退休,並且將張司令流放到美國。在朴將軍成為總統後,他很多次地改寫韓國的憲法,最終使他自己事實上成為韓國的終身制總統。通過韓國中央情報局,他嚴厲地控制著韓國人民的自由。最終韓國的政治氣候導致我流亡加拿大。在加拿大,我試著告訴世界韓國正在發生著什麼。通過媒體,我敦促韓國軍隊推翻朴正熙的獨裁統治並保衛韓國的自由。朴正熙的獨裁統治從1961年到1979 年維持了18年。但是最後又發生了什麼?朴正熙因為信任他的韓國中情局主任金載圭將軍而失去了生命。但是朴正熙的死亡並沒有導致極權政府的終結。全鬥煥將軍和盧泰愚將軍接手了權力,並繼續維持軍政府直到1990年。在這種情況下,我始終堅持著反對獨裁統治,而不是反對韓國人民。

When and why did you visit North Korea? How did this visit change the destiny of the International Taekwon-Do Federation?

General Choi: One of the reasons I went into exile in Canada was to spread Taekwon-Do throughout the world without regard to ideology, race, religion, or nationality. In Canada, I felt that it would be wise to teach Taekwon-Do in North Korea and trained the instructors who would do the job. Through North Korea, I felt that Taekwon-Do could be spread to other Communist and Third Wolrd countries. In Capitalist countries, I saw many unqualified Taekwon-Do instructors open schools just to make money. I made up my mind to produce Taekwon-Do instructors in North korea who were not contaminated by Western commercialism. In this way, I felt the true Taekwon-Do philosphy and techniques could be developed. And I thought that this movement would stimulate and motivate instructors in the free world.
Most of the Taekwon-Do instructors trained by me and teaching overseas began to leave me when the World Taekwon-Do Federation was created. By 1980, there were only ten Korean instructors who were still with me. When my devoted students left me, I felt pain in my heart. But these incidents gave me the opportunity to develop new techniques and look for new sources of instructors. In 1982, I was invited to bring a Taekwon-Do Demonstration Team to North Korea by Mr. Kim, Yoo Soon, the Chairman of the Sports Union of Democrate People's Republic of korea. The Vice Prime Minister Chung, Joon Ki and many other high ranking government officials met the fifteen member demonstration team at Pyongyang Airport. Our two week tour took us through many cities and the demonstrations were a great success. So successful, in fact, that before we departed, Minister Chung told me, "We have decided to teach Taekwon-Do in our country, so please send us Taekwon-Do instructors." After my return from Pyongyang, I trained Master Park, Jung Tae for six months in the basement of my home and eliminated the habits of Karate movements. Master Park went to North Korea and began teaching Taekwon-Do in February of 1982. He received a salary of $ 2,000.00 a month and taught for seven months. In September of 1982, I returned to North Korea and conducted a two day seminar where I taught the finer details of the Tul and techniques.
Forty-four students were tested. Nineteen students passed the fourth degree black belt test and the rest passed the third degree black belt test. After the test, Master Rhee, Ki Ha was very happy and asked me how they learned so many Tul and techniques in such a short period of time? This was a miracle of Taekwon-Do. I was very excited myself and told Master Rhee and Master Park, "Now I have enough Taekwon-Do instructors to spread Taekwon-Do throughout the world!" With the newly promoted instructors, we gave demon-strations in Pyongyang, Nam Pho and Chung Jin City. They were received with great enthusiasm. I praised Master Park for his excellent teaching in North Korea and promoted him to the eight dan black belt. Today in North Korea, Taekwon-Do training occurs in elementary school gyms to college gyms. The level of Taekwon-Do training in North Korea have traveled overseas to teach Taekwon- Do.
General Choi:我流亡到加拿大是因為想不限於意識形態、種族、宗教和國家去向世界推廣跆拳道。在加拿大,我感覺到在北朝鮮教授跆拳道培養一些職業師範是明智的選擇。通過北朝鮮,我覺得跆拳道能夠普及到別的共產主義國家和第三世界國家。在資本主義國家,我看到很多不合格的跆拳道師範只是為了賺錢而開道館。我決定在北朝鮮培養一些還未受到西方功利主義腐蝕的跆拳道師範。通過這種方式,我覺得跆拳道真正的哲學和技術才能得到發展。同時我也認為這些行動將會刺激和激勵在自由世界的師範。當世界跆拳道聯盟建立起來的時候,很多我訓練並在海外教授跆拳道的師範都離我而去。1980年,只剩下10個韓國師範和我在一起。當我忠誠的學生離開的時候,我心裏感到很痛苦。但是這個事件給了我機會去發展新的技術和尋找新的師範來源。1982年,我被Kim Yoo Soon先生邀請帶一個跆拳道示範團去北朝鮮,他當時是北朝鮮體育協會的主席。朝鮮副總理Chung Joon Ki和很多高級別的政府官員在平壤機場迎接我們這15個人組成的團隊。在兩週的時間裡,我們在很多城市進行了跆拳道展示,並且取得很大成功。事實上,因為展示成功,在我們離開的時候,副總理告訴我:“我們決定在我們的國家推廣跆拳道,所以請給我們派遣一些跆拳道師範。”在我們從平壤回來後,我就在家中的地下室用6個月時間訓練了樸正泰師範,並清除了他一些空手道的動作習慣。1982年2月,樸師範前往北朝鮮並開始教授跆拳道。他得到2000美元的月薪,並教授了7個月。1982年9月,我回到北朝鮮並舉辦了一個兩天的研討會,研討會上我教授了一些改良的特爾和技術的細節。44位學生參加了考試。19位學生通過了黑帶四段的考核剩下的通過了黑帶三段的考核。完成考核後,李起夏師範很高興,並問我他們是怎樣在這麼短的時間學會如此多的特爾和技術的?這就是跆拳道的奇跡。我很激動地告訴李師範和樸師範:“現在我有了足夠的跆拳道師範可以把跆拳道推廣到全世界了!”通過這些新任命的師範,我們在平壤、南浦和清津都建立了類似的跆拳道基地。他們受到極大的熱情歡迎。我表揚了樸師範因他在北朝鮮優秀的教學工作,並授予他黑帶八段的段位。今天在北朝鮮,從小學的體育館到大學的體育館,都有跆拳道的訓練。北朝鮮的跆拳道訓練水準推廣到海外,提高了全世界的跆拳道訓練水準。

Throughout history, the nations of Korea, China and Japan have exchanged culture and fought wars against one another. When was the first time Taekwon-Do was introduced in China? What is the significance of the introduction of Taekwon- Do in China?

General Choi: As you know, Korea and China are very close to each other geographically. China, as a big country, treated Korea as an older brother would his younger brother. This mentality was reversed by Taekwon-Do. The government of the Republic of China invited the Korean Taekwon-Do Demonstration Team to perform in Thaipei in 1959 after a three week tour of Vietnam. We gave demonstrations in Dae Buk and in Dae Nam. Our demonstration in Dae Buk was attended by many high officials of the Chinese government, including Chiang, Kyung Kuk, the son of the President, and the second most powerful man in the Republic. In 1967, during a state visit to the Republic of China, Prime Minister Jung, Il Kwon was asked by President Chiang, Kai Sek to send Taekwon-Do instructors to teach the Chinese military. I selected five prominent Taekwon-Do instructors and sent them to China under the leadership of Lt. Colonel Hong, Sung In. When I visited Taipei a year later, Lt. Colonel Hong told me, "Now, Korea has become the nation of teachers and China has become the nation of students." Taekwon-Do changed the relationship from older-younger brother to sudent and teacher. Introducing Taekwon-Do to The People's Republic of China was no easy task. The mainland Chinese believed that all Asian martial arts originated in China. They did wish to learn martial arts from other countries. By 1982, I had amassed a large number of instructors and asked Mr. Deuk Joon, Vice Chairman of The Sports Federation of DPRK, to contact the mainland Chinese on our behalf. Eventually, both countries agreed to exchange martial arts programs and in 1986, I led a group of 30 North Korean instructors on a goodwill tour of Beijing. We were warmly received by Mr. Suh Jae, the Chairman of the Chinese Wu Shu Federation. Demonstrations were held in Beijing and Sian City. The arena was packed with spectators and its success led China to accept the teaching of Taekwon-Do with silent unofficial approval. The next year, Professor Choi, Bong Ki of Yun Byun University invited me to teach Taekwon-Do to 70 students. Gradually Taekwon-Do began to be taught throughout China.
General Choi:就像你知道的,韓國和中國之間在地理位置上緊挨著。中國,作為一個大國,經常像一個大哥對待小弟一樣對待韓國。這種心態被跆拳道給扭轉了過來。1959年就在我們在越南三週的示範結束後,中華民國政府邀請韓國跆拳道示範團前往臺北演出。我們在臺北和台南展示跆拳道。在臺北的展示中,很多中華民國政府高級官員前往觀看,包括總統的兒子、中華民國第二號權力人物——蔣經國。1967年,就在丁一全總理對中華民國進行國事訪問的時候,蔣介石總統要求派一個跆拳道師範團到中華民國軍隊教授跆拳道。我挑選了5名優秀的師範(洪性仁(中校五段)、盧孝永(少校五段)陸軍鄭奎龍(五段)、海軍姜石井(四段)、空軍李永煥(五段))在洪性仁中校的帶領下前往台灣。當我在一年後前往臺北訪問時,洪上校告訴我:“現在韓國變成了中國的老師。”跆拳道改變了中韓之間的兄弟關係成為韓中之間的師生關係。介紹跆拳道到中華人民共和國不是一件容易的任務。大陸的中國人認為所有的亞洲武術都是起源於中國。他們不想學其他國家傳過來的武術。1982年,我已經培養積累了很多師範,請求北朝鮮體育協會的副主席Deuk Joon先生,代表我們與大陸溝通。最終,1986年兩個國家都同意了進行武術項目的交流。我派遣了一支30人的北朝鮮師範團隊到北京進行友好訪問。我們被當時中國武術協會的主席徐才先生熱情接待歡迎。跆拳道展示在北京和西安舉行。展示時看台都被觀眾擠滿了,很成功,因此中方同意在中國以非官方的形式低調傳播教授跆拳道。第二年,延邊大學的崔方吉教授邀請我給70多位學生教授跆拳道。逐漸地,跆拳道開始在中國普及。

General, when did you introduce Taekwon-Do to Japan? What is the significance of the introduction of Taekwon-Do in Japan?

General Choi: One of the biggest reasons why I created Taekwon-Do was to distinguish it from Japanese Karate. I wanted to show the superiority of Taekwon-Do over Karate in techniques and philosophy. Since 1960, I had dreamed of opening a Taekwon-Do school in Tokyo, but I had to wait patiently for twenty years. In 1981, I was invited to perform a Taekwon-Do demonstration at the Korean Unification Conference in Tokyo. Masters Park, Jung Tae, Kim, Suk Joon and Jong, Young Suk gave a brilliant demonstration of Taekwon-Do. Later, one of the spectators, Mr. Jun, Jin Shik approached me to urge the building of a Taekwon-Do school in Tokyo. He was a prominent Korean business man in Japan and offered to handle all of the finances. In September of 1982 we opend a school in Tokyo. I am very thankful to Mr. Jun, who passed away a few years ago. With his help, thousands of Japanese are learning Taekwon-Do every day. When I see Japanese students bow to the Korean Flag and to Korean instructors, my mind travels back to the days of the Japanese occupation of Korea. I pay tribute to those who were sacrificed trying to regain the independence of Korea.
General Choi:我創立跆拳道的一種重要原因是為了把它和日本的空手道區分開來。我想展示跆拳道優越於空手道的出色技術和理念。自從1960年開始,我就夢想著在日本東京開一所跆拳道學校,但是我整整耐心地等了20年才實現。1981年,我被邀請在日本東京進行的韓國統一促進會上進行跆拳道展示。樸正泰,金時駿和鄭英石師範們向觀眾展示了精彩的跆拳道。一會兒,一位觀眾,全鎮植先生找到我跟前強烈要求在東京建一所跆拳道學校。他是一位在日本很成功的韓國商人,承諾由他來解決在日本推廣跆拳道的所有經費問題。1982年9月我們在東京開辦了一所學校。我很感謝全先生,他在幾年前去世了。因為他的幫助,現在有上千的日本人在每天學習跆拳道。當我看到日本學生朝韓國國旗和師範敬禮的時候,我的腦海中重現了那些日本曾佔領韓國的時光。我算是祭奠了那些曾為韓國獨立自由犧牲的烈士。

You and Mas Oyama once worked together trying to develop Taekwon-Do, but this partnership was not successful.

General Choi: In 1966, returning from a visit to the United States, I stopped in Tokyo. A friend of mine told me that Mas Oyama was in the process of becoming a Japanese citizen. As you know, Mas Oyama was born in Korea. He left his home at an early age and spent most of his life in Japan as a Korean National.
I decided to see him to try to stop him from becoming a Japanese citizen. First, I praised his achievements in Karate and then told of the life of his brother in Korea. I told him that Korea needed men like him and that he should come back to Korea. We should work together to promote Taekwon-Do. And that if he did so, his name would be known Korean history. Master Oyama told me he understood what I had told him and then he went home, promising to see me tomorrow.
The next morning, I heard from Mr. Lee, Sung Woo, a good friend of Master Oyama. Master Oyama had visited Mr. Lee after we had talked the previous evening. And he told Mr. Lee, "I was born in Korea, but came to Japan at an early age. And with the help of Prime Minister Sato, I achieved the success I have today. The Prime Minister has encouraged me to become a Japanese citizen." After speaking with Mr. Lee, I thought that Master Oyama was wavering about his decision to become a Japanese citizen. So, I invited Master Oyama to Korea. We visited Seoul and the DMZ. I arranged for a Taekwon-Do demonstration for him. Later we went to his hometown where he was reunited with his brothers and relatives. I also arranged for him to be interviewed on KBS TV. Before returning to Japan, he told me at the Kimpo Airport, "As a simpleminded man, I don't think that I can survive in this kind of environment." And then he left Korea. Even though we went our separate ways, we vowed to become blood brothers. I am the elder brother and Mas Oyama is my younger brother.
General Choi:1966年,結束在美國的訪問後,我停留在東京。一個朋友告訴我大山倍達正在申請成為日本公民。就像你知道的,大山倍達是在韓國出生的。他在很年輕的時候就離開了韓國,並在日本以韓國人的身份度過了一生中大部分時間。我決定去看望他並勸說他不要成為日本公民。首先,我肯定了他在空手道上所取得的成績,然後給他講了他親兄弟在韓國的生活。 我告訴他韓國需要像他這樣的人才,他應該回到韓國。我們應該一起工作來發展促進跆拳道。如果他這樣做,他的名字將被載入韓國歷史。大山倍達師範告訴我他知道我說的意思,然後他回家了,並答應我第二天再面談。第二天早上,我從大山的一個好朋友李成宇先生那裏聽說。大山師範在我們前晚談話過後就去拜訪了他,並告訴他:“我出生在韓國,但是很小的時候就來到了日本。在佐藤首相的幫助下,我才取得了今天的成績。首相大人鼓勵我成為日本的公民。”和李先生談過後,我想大山倍達師範是在是否成為日本公民這個決定上猶豫。所以,我邀請大山師範到韓國。我們參觀了首爾和三八線附近的非軍事化區DMZ。我組織了一場跆拳道的表演給他。 隨後我們又去了他的故鄉,在那裏他和兄弟還有一些親戚團聚。我還組織韓國 KBS 電視台對他進行採訪。回日本前,他在金浦機場告訴我:“我不認為像我這麼頭腦單純的男人能夠在這種環境中生存下來。”然後他離開了韓國。即使後來走上了不同的道路,我們也已結拜為親兄弟,我是大哥他是小弟。

Why do you think Taekwon-Do spread so quickly throughout the world?

General Choi: First of all, I give credit to the transportation revolution. Since 1959, I have traveld thousands and thousands of miles to give demonstrations, conduct seminars and championships. Without the jet airplane, it would have been impossible to travel the world. Second, I also give credit to the printing and electronic industries. Millions of Taekwon-Do instructors and students have learned Taekwon-Do from my books, videos and CD-ROM. A third reason is that Taekwon-Do contains far superior techniques of a quality above other martial arts. The pilosophy is based on my own personal experiences and Asian wisdom. The techniques are based on scientific movement. Finally, I give credit to all of the Taekwon-Do instructors teaching all over the world.
General Choi:首先,我要感謝現代社會的交通革命。從1959年開始,我就旅行了上千萬英里去展示、組織研討會並舉辦錦標賽。如果沒有噴氣式飛機,是不可能這樣周遊世界的。其次,我還要感謝出版和電子工業。數百萬跆拳道師範和學員通過我的書、錄影和CD來學習跆拳道。第三個原因是跆拳道包含了遠遠優越於其他武術的技巧和品質。它的哲學基於我個人的人生經驗和東亞哲學。它的技術基於現代科學。最重要的是我要感謝所有全世界教授跆拳道的師範們。

Do you think that unifying the International Taekwon-Do Federation and the World Taekwon-Do Federation would help unify North and South Korea?

General Choi: Yes. North Korea is a member of the International Taekwon-Do Federation and South Korea is a member of the World Taekwon-Do Federation. The unification of Taekwon-Do would motivate various groups, including politicians, to work for the unification of Korea. Taekwon-Do instructors in Korea do not have the same freedom of voice that the overseas instructors do. So, overseas Taekwon-Do instructors should play a bigger role and serve as a bridge between South and North Korea. In order to open the door between the two sides, overseas instructors should visit and attend seminars, demonstrations and championships of both federations. Frequent contact between instructors of the two groups would eliminate mistrust. Creating this type of environment would be a very important step for the unification of Korea.
General Choi:是的,北朝鮮是國際跆拳道聯盟的成員國,韓國是世界跆拳道聯盟的成員國。跆拳道聯盟的統一會促進很多團體,包括政治團體,去為韓國統一工作。韓國的跆拳道師範沒有國外的師範們那麼大的言論自由。所以,海外的跆拳道師範需要扮演重要的角色,去作為南北韓溝通的橋樑。為了打開雙方溝通的大門,海外的跆拳道師範們需要拜訪參加雙方協會的研討會、展示和錦標賽。兩邊的師範和團體們經常的接觸溝通將有助於消除不信任。建立這樣的環境和氛圍是南北韓統一的重要一步。

When you return to Korea, what would you like to do first?

General Choi: The first thing that I would do is visit the tomb of my mother and pay respect to her. Throughout my life, I owed her much, but I could not see her last day in this world because I was in Malaysia. Secondly, I would like to visit some of my old friends. We would reminisce about the good old days when we were in the Army. And finally, I would like to visit my Taekwon-Do students to see how they are living today.
General Choi:第一件事是去祭拜我母親的墓。在我的一生中,我欠了她很多很多,但是在她生命中最後的日子裡我沒有能見到她,而是在馬來西亞。第二,我想去拜訪我的那些老朋友們。我們將一起回憶那些過去的好日子,就是我們在軍隊的那些時光。最後,我想去看看我的跆拳道弟子們,看看他們今天的生活。

General, I know that you are in perfect health. I was amazed to see you teach for six hours each day of the seminar. But when you leave this world, where would you like to be buried?
Dr.Kimm:將軍,我發現您的身體很健康。我很吃驚地發現您在研討會上每天6 個小時不間斷的教學。但是,當有一天您離開這個世界的時候,您希望被埋葬在哪里?

General Choi: Yes, I am over 80 years old, but I have super health now. But who knows what will happen tomorrow? I do not want to be buried in North Korea, even though I was born there. I also do not think I can be buried in South Korea, even though I spent most of my youth there. The alternative left to me is to be buried in Canada, my third home country.
General Choi:是的,我已經過了80歲,但是我現在超級健康。但是誰知道明天會發生什麼那?我不想被葬在北朝鮮,雖然我出生在哪裡。我也不認為我能夠被葬在韓國,雖然我在哪里度過了我大部分的青年時光。所以可供我選擇的地方就是加拿大,我的第三個祖國。

Thank you sir for telling me of your life's work in Taekwon-Do.

General Choi: You are welcome. 
General Choi: 不客氣。



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